

Repeat a 3-dimensional solid, changing it each time.

Replicates the 3D solid, applying a transformation function to each replica. Transformation function could alter rotation, scale, visibility, position, etc.

The patternTransform call itself takes a number for how many total instances of the shape should be. For example, if you use a circle with patternTransform(4, transform) then there will be 4 circles: the original, and 3 created by replicating the original and calling the transform function on each.

The transform function takes a single parameter: an integer representing which number replication the transform is for. E.g. the first replica to be transformed will be passed the argument 1. This simplifies your math: the transform function can rely on id 0 being the original instance passed into the patternTransform. See the examples.

The transform function returns a transform object. All properties of the object are optional, they each default to "no change". So the overall transform object defaults to "no change" too. Its properties are:

  • translate (3D point)

    Translates the replica, moving its position in space.

  • replicate (bool)

    If false, this ID will not actually copy the object. It'll be skipped.

  • scale (3D point)

    Stretches the object, multiplying its width in the given dimension by the point's component in that direction.

  • rotation (object, with the following properties)

    • rotation.axis (a 3D point, defaults to the Z axis)

    • rotation.angle (number of degrees)

    • rotation.origin (either "local" i.e. rotate around its own center, "global" i.e. rotate around the scene's center, or a 3D point, defaults to "local")

patternTransform(total_instances: integer, transform_function: FunctionParam, solid_set: SolidSet) -> [Solid]


solid_setSolidSetA solid or a group of solids.Yes




// Each instance will be shifted along the X axis.
fn transform(id) {
  return { translate = [4 * id, 0, 0] }

// Sketch 4 cylinders.
sketch001 = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 2 }, %)
  |> extrude(5, %)
  |> patternTransform(4, transform, %)

Rendered example of patternTransform 0

// Each instance will be shifted along the X axis,
// with a gap between the original (at x = 0) and the first replica
// (at x = 8). This is because `id` starts at 1.
fn transform(id) {
  return { translate = [4 * (1 + id), 0, 0] }

sketch001 = startSketchOn('XZ')
  |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 2 }, %)
  |> extrude(5, %)
  |> patternTransform(4, transform, %)

Rendered example of patternTransform 1

fn cube(length, center) {
  l = length / 2
  x = center[0]
  y = center[1]
  p0 = [-l + x, -l + y]
  p1 = [-l + x, l + y]
  p2 = [l + x, l + y]
  p3 = [l + x, -l + y]

  return startSketchOn('XY')
    |> startProfileAt(p0, %)
    |> lineTo(p1, %)
    |> lineTo(p2, %)
    |> lineTo(p3, %)
    |> lineTo(p0, %)
    |> close(%)
    |> extrude(length, %)

width = 20
fn transform(i) {
  return {
    // Move down each time.
    translate = [0, 0, -i * width],
    // Make the cube longer, wider and flatter each time.
    scale = [pow(1.1, i), pow(1.1, i), pow(0.9, i)],
    // Turn by 15 degrees each time.
    rotation = { angle = 15 * i, origin = "local" }

myCubes = cube(width, [100, 0])
  |> patternTransform(25, transform, %)

Rendered example of patternTransform 2

fn cube(length, center) {
  l = length / 2
  x = center[0]
  y = center[1]
  p0 = [-l + x, -l + y]
  p1 = [-l + x, l + y]
  p2 = [l + x, l + y]
  p3 = [l + x, -l + y]

  return startSketchOn('XY')
    |> startProfileAt(p0, %)
    |> lineTo(p1, %)
    |> lineTo(p2, %)
    |> lineTo(p3, %)
    |> lineTo(p0, %)
    |> close(%)
    |> extrude(length, %)

width = 20
fn transform(i) {
  return {
    translate = [0, 0, -i * width],
    rotation = {
      angle = 90 * i,
      // Rotate around the overall scene's origin.
      origin = "global"
myCubes = cube(width, [100, 100])
  |> patternTransform(4, transform, %)

Rendered example of patternTransform 3

// Parameters
r = 50 // base radius
h = 10 // layer height
t = 0.005 // taper factor [0-1)
// Defines how to modify each layer of the vase.
// Each replica is shifted up the Z axis, and has a smoothly-varying radius
fn transform(replicaId) {
  scale = r * abs(1 - (t * replicaId)) * (5 + cos(replicaId / 8))
  return {
    translate = [0, 0, replicaId * 10],
    scale = [scale, scale, 0]
// Each layer is just a pretty thin cylinder.
fn layer() {
  return startSketchOn("XY")
    // or some other plane idk
    |> circle({ center = [0, 0], radius = 1 }, %, $tag1)
    |> extrude(h, %)
// The vase is 100 layers tall.
// The 100 layers are replica of each other, with a slight transformation applied to each.
vase = layer()
  |> patternTransform(100, transform, %)

Rendered example of patternTransform 4

fn transform(i) {
  // Transform functions can return multiple transforms. They'll be applied in order.
  return [
    { translate = [30 * i, 0, 0] },
    { rotation = { angle = 45 * i } }
  |> startProfileAt([0, 0], %)
  |> polygon({
       radius = 10,
       numSides = 4,
       center = [0, 0],
       inscribed = false
     }, %)
  |> extrude(4, %)
  |> patternTransform(3, transform, %)

Rendered example of patternTransform 5