kcl-samples → pipe




// Pipe
// A tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually but not necessarily of circular cross-section, used mainly to convey substances that can flow.

// Define constants
pipeTotalLength = 20
pipeLargeDiaLength = 1
pipeLargeDia = 1
pipeSmallDia = .75
thickness = 0.125
pipeTransitionAngle = 60
pipeTransitionLength = 0.5
pipeSmallDiaLength = pipeTotalLength - pipeTransitionLength - pipeLargeDiaLength

// Create the sketch to be revolved around the y-axis. Use the small diameter, large diameter, length, and thickness to define the sketch.
pipeSketch = startSketchOn('XY')
  |> startProfileAt([pipeSmallDia - (thickness / 2), 38], %)
  |> line([thickness, 0], %)
  |> line([0, -pipeSmallDiaLength], %)
  |> angledLineOfYLength({
       angle = -60,
       length = pipeTransitionLength
     }, %)
  |> line([0, -pipeLargeDiaLength], %)
  |> xLine(-thickness, %)
  |> line([0, pipeLargeDiaLength], %)
  |> angledLineToX({
       angle = -pipeTransitionAngle + 180,
       to = pipeSmallDia - (thickness / 2)
     }, %)
  |> close(%)

// Revolve the sketch to create the pipe
pipe = revolve({ axis = 'y' }, pipeSketch)